Projects by Friends, Skulls & Spells

Treasures to Hoard!


I’ve just returned from Copenhagen, where I spent a marvellous week—LS and I got to see Hannah Gadsby live!!! The show was absolutely brilliant. Other than that we also had a lot of fun, finally meeting up after such a long time, and I got united with my author copy of Skulls & Spells!

Are you also intrigued by this gorgeous full-colour publication of queer horror stories, poetry, and art? Read all about it on the Skulls & Spells page of my website.

Now, in true dragon fashion, I actually wanted to talk to you about even more treasures. Literal ones, from the house of Atthis Arts (publisher of my novella The Dragon of Ynys as well as anthologies Five Minutes at Hotel Stormcove and Community of Magic Pens). A True Travelling Treasure Trove!

What’s this all about? Well, Atthis Arts has set up a Kickstarter with the main goal of funding an audiobook for The Traveling Triple-C Incorporeal Circus by Alanna McFall. This book sounds like so much fun and has been on my to-read list literally since it came out in 2019—but since I’ve been in a bit of a reading slump, I think this will be the moment I’ll finally get to it, whether on page or in audiobook form. Either way it sounds amazing, with a road trip, theatre, ghosts, and a really fun writing style from what I’ve heard. Add to that the fact that the audiobook will be performed by C.S.E. Cooney, who hosted the Atthis Arts Reading last September, and this will be reason enough to go have a look at the Kickstarter. But. BUT!

Before you think this is just another Kickstarter, I have to tell you about these treasures. Because Atthis Arts hasn’t gone with your average rewards, but set up an entire set of actual limited-edition (metaphorical) gems to go with each of their 2022 publications. The one I’m personally most excited about is the Alia Terra colouring bookI mean, wow!!! Have you seen the Alia Terra art? Can you imagine getting to colour it yourself with whatever media you prefer? And not only that, but the colouring book will contain the original text, so you can enjoy the stories while you unleash your own creativity! I really love that this is a thing that will exist.

But it’s not just that: Gigi Ganguly has provided the campaign with actual-treasure tassels from a market shop in Delhi to represent her book One Arm Shorter than the Other (very much recommended to sci fi fans!), there’s an enamel pin of the assassin’s dagger from Gregory A. Wilson’s Grayshade, an exclusive scarf for the 2022 Origins Game Fair anthology Rogue Artists, scented candles for E.D.E. Bell’s own Night Ivy, and huggable squid friends matching Brandon Crilly’s Catalyst. (I wasn’t going to buy more plushies for myself, but we all know that when they have tentacles, I’m going to have to break that promise.) And, of course, you can also add the books themselves to your rewards (there will be an add-on window after you’ve picked your pledge level). There are also some digital jewels for those who are now, understandably, gritting their teeth at international shipping and duty.

And for those of you who think “sure, that all sounds fun, but have you noticed it’s 2022 so where would I get the money for all that?”, mind that the audiobook & ebook combo starts at $1 (!). So, really, go have a look, and please consider supporting the publishing house where I would very much love to get some of my future projects published! (👀) Extra link to the Kickstarter so you don’t have to scroll up: CLICK!

Good luck picking your treasures, and have a nice Sunday!


P.S. Those of you who have been following my Inktober attempt on Instagram may have noticed that I missed a week of drawings. Some of the ones I did make took a little longer than a quick Inktober sketch. Feel free to leave a reply if you can spot which ones! But I am planning to do a catch-up sketch this week to represent the missing days (19 and 26-31), so stay tuned for that. Thanks for following along on this journey!